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Our Coaching Philosophy

Navigate your wellness quest with you.

We believe that wellness is a lifelong quest. There is no point where we stop growing, changing and becoming. We may pause, plateau, encounter a valley that causes us to regress, but we press on. Together we will chart the course ahead, prepare for obstacles on the horizon and navigate a way through both calm and squall.

Make changes that last a lifetime.

We believe that lasting change is possible when motivation and action are beautifully met with a strategic plan. Change is a process that requires patience and hard work. We believe that your plan needs to evolve as your goals and the demands of your life evolve. Staying the course sometimes requires pausing to reflect, evaluate, and make tweaks to redirect. 

Be the best first mate you’ve ever had.

We believe that wellness is a lifelong quest. There is no point where we stop growing, changing and becoming. We may pause, plateau, encounter a valley that causes us to regress, but we press on. Together we will chart the course ahead, prepare for obstacles on the horizon and navigate a way through both calm and squall.

Explain the method behind our madness.

We are always learning, and striving to grow ourselves alongside our clients. We believe in leading with an information driven, science-based approach in our strength, nutrition, and motivational coaching. We appreciate your thoughtful questions and we’ll ask for your feedback regularly. Your input empowers us in our quest to create better services and products for you and our other amazing clients.

Chart a course to your goals that fits your uniqueness.

Any wellness goal requires a strategy that involves a physical fitness regimen, proper nutrition, and mindset. We’re stubbornly optimistic that we can find a plan to fit the unique person you are. It’s our privilege to get to know you, your goals, and preferences. Understanding you helps us better understand how to help you make wellness part of your lifestyle.  Regardless of your starting point, we’ll meet you there and take time to ensure you feel equipped with everything you need to successfully pursue your goals.

Meet The Team

Nancy Nash

Owner and CEO
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